Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Big News... Interview with Ansimuz

Hey guys! Today I decided to bite the bullet and interview Ansimuz, the developer of Elliot Quest. He was really nice and seems a charming fellow.

So, first, what was the biggest challenge making Elliot Quest?

Managing my time and money. I‘m a dad of two children and basically I quit my job to work on the game fulltime.

What made you choose to use HTML5?

At the beginning I was aiming to make Elliot Quest a Free browse game. But as the development was getting complex I changed my mind and opted to make it a Premium game for Desktop and OUYA.

Out of all the platforms you've chosen to support, which has proven the most difficult to work with? The least?

The easiest was to port it to OUYA and Desktop since basically I just package the game in a wrapper and it run it as is.
The WiiU has been the most difficult because it need to be adapted, that's why I decided to partner with PlayEveryWare. They took care of all the porting process.

What other game(s) have you worked on, if any?

Elliot Quest was my first commercial game. I had made some small games for learning purposes that didn’t see the light.

What are your future plans?

I‘m taking a break form making big games at the moment and I’m focussing on making Pixel Art for clients and sharing to other Game Devs. I have a Patreon Page if you want to learn more:

Thanks for your time, and one last question:

Are there any developers you feel more people should know about?

You are welcome. Maybe these guys

Elliot Quest is a game that I have a review on coming up on May 29th. I hope you guys look forward to it!

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